NaPoWriMo – Day Twenty-four

mum and dad cry
as teenagers fly away-
cedar lark whir

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watching Chopped – hope
at least one judge is a
raw chard liker

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mum is relieved
that rain has washed away
chalk war rider

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farm chores are done-
time now for holding hands and
acre dark whirl

/ / /

indie punk band-
nothing to do with Nascar-
hark wild racer

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middle school
art project – nature with some goth-
dark wire larch

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These senryu were inspired by today’s prompt at NaPoWriMo.

The last line of each of these poems is an anagram of my name: Richard Walker. Most of the anagrams I used were four syllables in length, so these senryu follow a 4/6/4 syllable pattern. The last one is an exception, following a 3/8/3 pattern.

haiku (9/29/12)

heavy fog
fall gently on Earth
and me today

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This poem was written in response to today’s prompt at NaHaiWriMo on Facebook.

I’ve been away for a while. Too long, I think. Thanks to some good advice and gentle prodding from a good friend, I have decided to wet my feet with poetry again.

Thanks to those of you who have visited this blog and encouraged me. I appreciate it. I hope you’re still around. I’m working on overcoming some blocks, and am just going to move forward from this point. Hope that’s okay with all of you.

The Sky

Fog clings to foothills
unwilling to descend
into the valley

Wisps of fog
I’m taken with how
they disappear

The fog murmurs
before it’s invisible
listen to it

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These haiku/senyru were written in response to an idea about looking at the sky. I incorporated words from Three Word Wednesday: cling, murmur, and taken. They are also an unintentional response to the water, water everywhere prompt from Poetic Bloomings.


It may not be an
apple a day, but zest does
make life worth living

a spiral of zest-
lemon or orange in drinks-
long life everyday

zest in a cocktail-
lemon zest in an entree-
no zest for dessert

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These poems were written in response to the zest prompt at Haiku Heights.