The Banker

it’s easy to see desperation
in the eyes of a stranger

not so easy to turn your heart
to granite and slouch by,
but you’ve managed it

you spin your stories
how they’ve wasted their lives,
that they’ve cracked their minds
on drugs, cheapened their bodies

you concern yourself
with how dirty they are,
not ash on their skins
but the oily residue
of urban life

if only they were clean
you tell yourself

but the truth is
you are afraid
afraid that they will screw you
as you’ve screwed them

you fear the revolution
that they’ll rise
and throw you to the ground
from the corporate parapets
you think protect you

but when the revolution of your soul comes
when all worldly concerns are cleansed
you will not find yourself
in the presence of light

/ / /

This poem was written in response to Wordle 18 at The Sunday Whirl.

13 thoughts on “The Banker

  1. It’s really good to see you Richard. But, reading you is better, lol. Strong imagery in this one and, I believe, a direct hit with the focus. I love the line about the revolution of soul. Not many face off with that reality, and run to avoid it. Thanks much for your comments on my site. Have missed seeing you,



    • Elizabeth, thank you. Your comments made me laugh – “reading you is better”. Thanks for that. It feels good to be back, reading and writing again. I’ve missed it and all you wonderful people. I don’t know that I can catch up, so I’m just going to jump back into the poetry stream and swim.



  2. Oh, and this is why we all have missed you so. Love the last stanza…the revolution of the soul…and the sad reality of not finding one’s self in the light…..

    Welcome back, my friend! ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Pingback: Wordle 19 « The Sunday Whirl

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