
I wish that I could leave a journal
and pen by my bedside table
so that when I woke from sleep
I could jot down my dreams
but I rarely remember them
unless they are frightening
and I flee from them
to the waking world

instead I daydream
and make up stories
and on occasion I manage
to tell a story
that is inspiring to others
or so they tell me

there have been stories
of strange, enchanting lands
where the people sleep
beguiled by the lotus

there have been stories of bold heroes
with torsos bulging with muscles
alluring maidens who wait for the hero
or go off on their own quests
a devious villain to antagonize
the hero or heroine

what is incomparable
is not the pleasure of writing
because it’s not just play

I work at it
more than I care to admit

but the joy of reading
what others have created
and I take immeasurable pleasure
in reading the comments
on what I’ve written

that is what is incomparable
the kinship of readers and writers
none of whom are my actual kin
just kindred spirits

/ / /

This poem was written in response to the Incomparable prompt at Writer’s Island, using the words from Wordle 8 at The Sunday Whirl.

Addendum: This poem also works for the cocktail of words prompt at We Write Poems.

18 thoughts on “Incomparable

  1. Richard, Your writing expresses a strong and gentle spirit. I love the two lines, where the people sleep, beguiled by the lotus. Your words bring honor to all of us, so thank you for participating in The Sunday Whirl. Your entries make our community richer.


    • Brenda, thank you so much. Thank you for being the strong and gentle spirit behind The Sunday Whirl. I look forward to each and every wordle. I’m glad to be a part of this community; it truly is incomparable.



  2. So, Richard, do you check both sites everyday? I’m thinking of the logistics and time of keeping a mirror blog. I wandered over here from your other out of curiosity, so shall comment here.
    I like the way you use many of the words in what would be cliches except because they are in dreams they are deliberately so. Clever. And then leading us into the lovely ending which expresses how I think many of us feel about this whole experience of writing with a group of others. Thank you.


    • Margo, I do check both sites everyday. It might be a little bit more work posting to both and following up with comments on both, but it’s manageable. I don’t post something every day, but I do check for comments a couple times each day, usually in the morning and then again in the evening. I think people appreciate it because they can go to whichever one they prefer; it dealt with the WordPress bunch not being able to comment on Blogspot. It is sometimes confusing because more than once someone has commented on a poem on one blog, and then stumbled across it again on the other blog, and they have wondered where there comments went.

      Yeah, I felt that might have been a bit of a cheat, but I’m glad my deliberate cliches worked. And thanks for “lovely ending” – I’m glad it speaks to others. I hoped it would.



  3. Excellent poem, Richard. I think you’ve described the soul of most writers well. I know I identify with the thoughts and feelings here.

    Oddly enough, I do keep a journal bedside, but I don’t use it to record dreams most mornings, just to order my thoughts and plans for the day. If a dream iaespecially memorable (or disturbing), I’ll record it, but those seldom occur. Most fade into nothingness by the time I’ve gotten up to take my morning vitamin.


    • Tilly, I could leave a notebook handy to record my dreams, but I’d never fill it. I do actually keep a notebook or two with the stack of books on and around my bedside table, but those are for writing poetry, not recording my dreams.

      I’m off now to read your piku. I’m sorry that I missed it, especially since I inspired it. I’m most curious now.



  4. Crazy work hours this past week have kept me from my usual rounds…of both reading and responding to prompts! Playing catch-up here and there, when I can.

    Thoroughly enjoyed this one, Richard…not only for its use of the wordle words…but for its message in telling of your connection to your work…and to your readers…and those you read. I’m so very grateful our cyber paths have crossed. I have taken great joy from reading your words…those shared here, as well as the words you have left behind on my posts. Thank you.

    ~ Paula


    • Paula, thank you so much. Don’t worry about trying to catch up. I always feel like I’m trying to catch up. I thought I’d be spending more time online this summer, but I spend a lot of time with my boys.

      Glad you enjoyed it. I too am grateful our cyber paths crossed. I enjoy your poems too. There is real joy out here, and the more so that it is shared. Thank you.



  5. Richard, I have tried many times to keep a dream journal and simply let it go instead for my morning pages. If a dream or dream image stays with me, it ends up in my journal pages anyway. You covered a lot of ground in this poem and several prompts. From dreams to stories to the poetry community here online. But, what you expressed is familiar to most if not all of us. There is a dreamlike quality to the poem itself, and it reads like a sequence dream, all connected by almost invisible threads. I’m glad you found the community, are enriched by it, and also enriching us at the same time.



    • Elizabeth, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one. I do like to write in the morning. It’s a good way to start the day; I’m going to have to try some morning pages of my own. This one does cover a lot of ground and does jump around a bit. I’m not completely happy with it, though the message is sincere – and everyone seems to be connecting with that, so that’s good. I, too, am glad I found this community here – and I’m definitely the richer for it. Thanks.



  6. Richard, you explained the writer’s drive and dilemma in a friendly conversation with your readers. The only wordle word I noticed in the first reading was ‘torsos.’ It is such a rare word, even though you used it correctly, it doesn’t seem to fit comfortably anywhere. I’m still laughing at my sideways attempt to force it somewhere it wouldn’t fit.


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